5 Ways To Attract Potential Customers For Your Roofing Business

5 Ways To Attract Potential Customers For Your Roofing Business

Key takeaways

  • Capture contact information fast by offering valuable freebies in exchange for customer email addresses
  • Build a referral network with other local business owners to trade customers directly in your service area
  • Set up a client referral program to incentivize current customers to help grow your contact list

Business owners who are interested in growing their roofing companies—or even maintaining their current workload—probably already know they have to generate new leads (aka clients) to increase or keep a steady stream of income. 

But where does one find new clients? Lead generation can come in many forms, and there’s no need to hire a lead generation company to do the work for you—nor do you have to spend money doing it yourself. 

With the right tactics, any small business owner can get free roofing leads without wasting time. Here are five simple ways to generate quality roofing leads efficiently at no cost.

1. Offer lead magnets on landing pages

Landing pages are standalone web pages specifically designed to turn website visitors into leads. While the main pages of your website can attract your broader target marketlanding pages cater to specific market segments, like homeowners in Dallas or high-rise property managers. Landing pages tell visitors why your company is a good fit for their unique roofing needs, which may convince them to provide their contact information when asked.

The simple act of creating landing pages can help you generate free roofing leads. Plus, you can win even more leads by offering enticing freebies in exchange for contact information. These freebies (known as lead magnets) can include roof replacement discounts, free inspections, and helpful white papers. Video content—like a video tutorial on patching a roof leak—is the most effective type of lead magnet for small businesses.

If you want to earn even more leads, consider using small business SEO tactics to help your landing page appear on relevant search engine results pages. For example, you can use a free keyword research tool to identify keywords you should include in your landing page content, headers, and URL (web address). These can include niche, long-tail keywords (like “how to fix a roof shingle”) or local SEO terms (like “Milwaukee roofer”), which are less competitive than broad, short-tail keywords like “roofer.”

When you take these steps, your landing pages can attract more visitors and turn more of them into leads.

2. Set up partnerships with local businesses

Free roofing leads: construction workers fixing a roof

To set up your success, consider aligning your roofing business with a network of complementary businesses. 

For example, wedding planners have endless vendors in their networks to refer people to—florists, musicians, caterers, and photographers, to name a few. They know the services a client will likely need in the midst of planning a wedding, and they connect their clients to the right people. On top of improving the customer experience, this strong referral network can mean exclusive leads for every business involved.

To start building a referral network of your own, identify local businesses in your community that offer related services. For example, real estate agents can connect you to home buyers in need of roof repairs and inspections, while commercial cleaners and painters can be excellent sources of commercial roofing leads.

Then, reach out to business owners on LinkedIn or via email to propose a partnership. Highlight the perks of working with your company, whether you expect to provide just as many referrals in return or plan to pay a set fee for every successful referral. Personalize your message with your recipient’s name and company to make the best first impression.

If you want to streamline the research phase, consider chatting up other business owners at local networking events or trade shows. Talking in person gives you the chance to quickly assess whether or not a prospective business partner aligns with your needs and values. While you may not propose a partnership then and there (depending on the natural flow of your conversation), you can always ask for their business card to follow up after the event.

3. Leverage your brand on social media

With more than 4 billion users worldwide, social media apps can be useful sources of leads. However, social media users aren’t giving away their emails and phone numbers to every brand they come across. If you want more free roofing leads online, you should have a consistent brand that enhances your credibility as a business.

Start by aligning your most visible brand elements, including your business name, profile picture, logo, address, and phone number, across social media channels. Then, create brand personality guidelines to ensure your posts are written with the same tone of voice so your brand feels as reliable as your business.

As your social media marketing campaigns begin to inspire more trust, you may have better results getting users to provide their contact information.

4. Create a referral program

Two men working on a roof

Consumers trust their friends and family members for brand recommendations more than any other source. When your clients advocate for your roofing company, you can land high-quality leads who are more likely to become your new customers.

Building a referral program is one of the best ways to convince your customer base to connect you to people in their network, generating free roofing leads. All you need to do is offer a reward, like a gift card or roofing service discount, in exchange for a successful referral

You’ll only need to give the reward if their lead results in a new roofing job—and even when you don’t win a new sale, you’ll still gain a free new contact to follow up with in the future.

5. Attract leads by leveraging online reviews

While word-of-mouth marketing is powerful, online reviews are also very helpful. If you want to convince more potential customers to provide their contact details, consider adding your positive reviews to your website or sharing screenshots of excellent reviews on social mediaPositive reviews can enhance your online marketing strategy by acting as powerful testimonials for your business.

Roofing contractors can also boost lead generation by responding to reviews. When a business responds to all of its online reviews, 89% of consumers are more likely to choose their brand. Your attentiveness to your current customer base can boost interest in your roofing services from potential customers.

When you claim your Yelp Business Page, you can get real-time notifications when clients leave reviews. This can help you respond in a timely manner to appeal to both current and potential customers.

Free roofing lead generation for your business

Free lead generation tactics give you the opportunity to catch the eyes and contact info of prospective customers. For example, when you create landing pages that are complete with lead magnets and SEO-friendly content, you’ll give potential customers greater incentive to provide their contact information.

Local businesses and current clients can further help grow your contact list, while excellent branding and online reviews can show your target market that you’re a roofer they can trust.

As your list of leads grows, use these eight roofing marketing ideas to move potential customers toward a purchase.

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